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Under the new trend of the intelligent office era, the application of interactive conference whiteboard is becoming more and more common.

interactive conference whiteboard  be used to Enterprises in various industries often use to replace traditional projection equipment and then create high-end and efficient conference scenarios. Therefore, the interactive conference whiteboard has been widely used in the communication of major high-tech enterprises, and the interactive conference whiteboard has also become an important bridge for many enterprises to communicate remotely. So, how to choose an interactive conference whiteboard?

Interactive Whiteboard 1

How to choose the interactive conference whiteboard:

1. Is the touch screen positioning of the interactive conference whiteboard accurate?

If the touch function of your interactive conference whiteboard is not accurate enough, it will definitely cause a lot of trouble when used in conferences in the future. Therefore, when choosing a product, you must first experience it and observe whether the position of the font written on the whiteboard and the touchpoint can overlap. If the overlap is high, it means that the positioning of this interactive conference whiteboard is very accurate.

2. The response sensitivity of the interactive conference whiteboard

A good interactive conference whiteboard needs to be highly sensitive. As a user, we can try to write or touch on the interactive whiteboard to see how soon the product responds and to see the lag time of images or programs popping up. If the lag time of the interactive  whiteboard is obvious, it means that the sensitivity of the product is not enough, and the writing will definitely not be smooth. This response speed is obviously not good enough for those of us who use smartphones every day. Therefore, when choosing, be sure to choose a product with high sensitivity, so that it can be less troublesome when used later.

3. Convenience of equipment

We need to use every function of the interactive whiteboard to know whether the interactive whiteboard is convenient enough and whether its settings are user-friendly. When designing and developing an excellent interactive whiteboard, the actual user experience must be carefully considered. Therefore, an excellent interactive  whiteboard needs to have functional practicability and convenience of use.

Interactive Whiteboard 4

4. Wireless screen sharing function

When we use the interactive  whiteboard, we need to experience the wireless screen sharing function of the interactive  whiteboard, and whether it supports many types of terminals. For example, can our smartphones, Android-based mobile phones, Apple-based mobile phones, laptops, tablets, and even all-in-one computers all be able to achieve wireless screen sharing? When performing wireless screen sharing, there is a very important component called the screen sharing device. As a user, we should pay attention to how many terminal connections it can support, which is very important for the later use of wireless screen sharing.


5. The overall parameters of the product

This aspect is difficult for ordinary users to control, mainly including the effective sensing area of the product, screen type, pixels, product specifications, brightness, refresh rate, and many other parameters.


Of course, as a buyer, we also need to know our actual needs, such as the size of the conference room our company often uses, the scene of the conference, the number of people in the conference, etc.


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