With the continuous progress of science and technology and the popularity of the network, the mode of education is also constantly changing. Traditional face-to-face teaching mode is being questioned by more and more people. In order to better meet the needs of modern education, the interactive electronic whiteboard is widely used in the education industry.

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As a new teaching tool, an interactive electronic whiteboard can not only enhance the interest and interaction of teaching but also carry out live teaching and realize the aim of distance teaching.

First of all, interactive whiteboards can help teachers better live teaching. In the traditional teaching method, teachers need to arrange different courses and teaching contents according to the different needs of students, according to the different chapters of teaching materials to explain. With the use of interactive electronic whiteboard live teaching, teachers can be based on the actual situation of students targeted teaching, more flexible and efficient. Through the interactive whiteboard screen, teachers can write, graphics and text on the whiteboard at any time to explain more vivid, images, but also can quickly comment and modify, more convenient, fast, reduces the traditional teaching process of the cumbersome links, and improve efficiency.

Secondly, the interactive whiteboard can also help students better distance learning. For students who are unable to attend classes in person, the interactive whiteboard can provide a platform for distance learning. Through the Internet connection, students can log on to the interactive whiteboard anytime and anywhere via computer or cell phone, watch the course live, and also interact with the teacher, Ask and answer questions. This not only can save time and money but also can let students at home can access more abundant teaching resources, more conveniently and fast.

Finally, the interactive whiteboard can also improve the quality of teaching. In traditional teaching mode, teachers can only teach by Blackboard or whiteboard, and the application of an interactive electronic whiteboard can make the teaching more vivid, intuitive, and rich. Through the screen display, students can see more clearly, rich course content, including text, images, video, and so on, but also can interact and explain, enhancing students’ interest and enthusiasm in learning. At the same time, the interactive electronic whiteboard can also facilitate teachers to carry out teaching management, the course, homework, and other educational resources centralized management reduces the traditional teaching of document management and storage problems, and improve the efficiency of teaching and management level.

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In a word, the screen of an interactive whiteboard can provide more abundant, intuitive, and vivid teaching resources for education, and at the same time, it can also carry out live teaching, to provide students with a more convenient, fast distance learning experience. Through the application of interactive electronic whiteboards, we can better meet the needs of modern education, improve the teaching effect, improve the quality of education, and train more outstanding personnel.

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